Updating Results

Duncan Cotterill

  • #1 in Law
  • 100 - 500 employees

Office & Workplace at Duncan Cotterill

8.9 rating for Workplace, based on 11 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Dress code is professional except casual fridays. The office is great, it feels impressive to tell people that is where I work.
Graduate, Christchurch
Nice offices, dress code varies office to office but in general it's reasonable. Decent facilities.
Midlevel, Christchurch
We dress for our day, which has become even more casual since the COVID-19 outbreak.
Graduate, Wellington
Fantastic location, fantastic newly built facilities. Dress code is corporate, with a casual Friday policy.
Graduate, Christchurch
The Auckland office is beautifully designed and makes for a very nice workplace. Two kitchens/bars - one internal and one client facing. Bathrooms include a shared shower. 4 meeting rooms with one big boardroom. The dress code for Auckland is dress for your day and casual Fridays.
Graduate, Auckland
The offices are lovely and modern, all open plan and very accessible. Dress code is what you would expect (formal attire for day-to-day and client meetings), though we do have casual Fridays which is great.
Graduate, Christchurch
The office space is very nice and classy. It is a good spacious and enjoyable building to work in. The dress code is formal/tidy. It is not overly formal however and there is some flexibility day to day depending if you are meeting with clients.
Graduate, Christchurch
The Christchurch office is lovely and modern. Everyone dresses nice and smart but it is not too strict and their is room for creative flare.
Graduate, Christchurch