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Fisher & Paykel Appliances

  • #1 in R&D and manufacturing
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Management at Fisher & Paykel Appliances

8.9 rating for Management, based on 22 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
I am very satisfied with my Functional Leader. He is always willing to help and is very kind and patient with me. He is a very busy man though, which makes me feel valued when he makes the time to teach me about the stuff I need to know. I like that he is a very approachable person as he is always very cheerful and I can always hear hi laughing at the back of my desk, but he knows when to be strict and makes good conclusion when needed. I have heard people from other team praising him about his personality and leadership which makes me more confident in being in his team. My buddy has been very helpful and kind though he is a very quite person . He is always willing to help no matter how busy he is. I am fortunate to have both of them as my mentors.
Graduate, Auckland
There is regular opportunity for feedback and discussion with management regarding matters within and outside the scope of work.
Graduate, Dunedin
Very good. Talk at least once in RAR meeting.
Graduate, Dunedin
My manager is pretty great that really friendly and provided good mentor. Also, there will be a buddy that you can ask question.
Graduate, Auckland
He's a very thoughtful mentor and encourages open dialogue. Conversations with him always answer any questions I have.
Graduate, Dunedin
Good structure and communication in place. Good systems for feedback, weekly and quarterly
Graduate, Auckland
Direct Management - fantastic. Upper Management - seems to be disconnected from the rest of the company, and while I don't have strong opinions myself the sentiment I have seen around the office is that there is a bit of tension between engineering leaders and upper management.
Graduate, Dunedin
My direct manager is great, she has fostered an environment where I feel comfortable and happy to approach her about anything I need. She is a great mentor. Would be cool to have a bit more communication with higher-ups!
Graduate, Auckland
My managers are very accessible since I can easily talk to them face-to-face. We have a good amount of meetings to communicate specific details of what we are actively working on, and to discuss projects and future plans and projections.
Graduate, Dunedin
Its hard to say atm due to going in-between two FLs, though when starting it very much felt like the FL had checked out from the team.
Graduate, Dunedin
My manager is really knowledge as he has been working on the DishDraw for 20+ years. The management methods are really good
Graduate, Dunedin
I am satisfied with my manager. He is a good communicator and it is evident that he tries to bring everyone on board and make sure everyone is on the same page.
Graduate, Auckland
I work closely with my Functional Leader but have little to no contact with their manager. They are an excellent mentor and an inspiration. They regularly provide praise, constructive feedback, recognition, and I always feel supported by them.
Graduate, Dunedin
My team leader is amazing. He is very friendly and helpful. I have found that every FL as well as just about anyone is very approachable. Good feedback on work, and have weekly one-on-one meetings to see how you're doing, how is progress, discuss goals and plans, need any help etc. The only issue is that the team leaders get very busy. But they will pair you up with someone else in the team as a buddy mentor to help you with the day-to-day things.
Graduate, Auckland
Pretty happy with my manager. Gives me good feedback on the work I am doing. They are normally quite busy but will always try to make time for me.
Graduate, Auckland
Really happy with my team leader and have been shown a lot of support with great feedback and easy communication. We have regular catch ups and quarterly check-ins.
Graduate, Dunedin
My managers are incredibly supportive, great role models and encourage development.
Graduate, Dunedin
My manager is fantastic, he's supportive and easy to talk to.
Graduate, Auckland