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  • 100 - 500 employees

Gender Equality at Kearney

Kearney is recognised globally for its supportive and collegial culture, inclusive programs and networks, and diverse talent

Kearney ANZ supports equal employment in the workplace with a goal to create a climate of opportunity, innovation, and success with Kearney that capitalises on the professional and personal diversity of our workforce. As stated by Kearney’s Founder, Tom Kearney, "The true strength of this firm, as in any organization, lies in the fact that we are all different... The strength inherent in this firm rests upon these collective and diverse interests. They are all we have."

Kearney is committed to creating a more equal gender split within the consulting industry through its Gender Equality Strategy. As an industry which is arguably male dominated, Kearney has put in place several initiatives to increase the number of women employed within the industry and create a more gender diverse consulting environment. 

  • Kearney continues to actively engage with women societies and networks within Australian universities. These societies include but are not limited to;
    • Women in Science and Engineering at Melbourne University;
    • Monash Business & Commerce Society;
    • Network of Women at the University of Sydney; and
    • Capital W at the University of NSW.
  • In 2020, Kearney received recognition in the top 100 Firms for Working Families and Women. This prestigious recognition is based not only on the representation of women, but also leave policies, benefits, childcare, advancement programs, flexibility policies, and more.
  • Kearney continues to strive towards its gender equality goals and endeavours to honour its commitment to bridging the gender equality gap.